Farmer wants feeder roads fixed

FARMERS who live in North East Guadalcanal Constituency and East Central Guadalcanal Constituency, Guadalcanal Province want the feeder roads in these constituencies fixed immediately. This is due to their garden crops being left to rot as a result of poor road condition to transport them to Honiara for sales. A local farmer, who spoke on...


FARMERS who live in North East Guadalcanal Constituency and East Central Guadalcanal Constituency, Guadalcanal Province want the feeder roads in these constituencies fixed immediately. This is due to their garden crops being left to rot as a result of poor road condition to transport them to Honiara for sales. A local farmer, who spoke on behalf of all farmers in these constituencies, said feeder roads from Gheza, Ghovu, Numbu, Gheghede, Aola and other roads are in a bad state due to non-maintenance and continuing bad weather.

The farmer who declined to be named spoke to the Solomon Star at Henderson in Central Guadalcanal over weekend. He said feeder roads in these two constituencies have deteriorated and disrupted farmers from travelling to Honiara to sell their cocoa, copra, timbers and garden crops. The farmer highlighted that road access is important for local farmers because they have to transport their commodities to the nearest markets immediately for sale to keep their products from staleness.

He said the feeder roads are full of potholes and have poor drainage systems. “Road access is important for farmers. Some of the roads are like rivers where waters follow during heavy rain,” the farmer said.

The farmer appealed to both Members of Parliament (MPs) for North East Guadalcanal and East Central Guadalcanal Constituencies to work with the National Government to quickly fix the roads to ensure constant transportation services to and from Honiara and the safety of commuters, including farmers. By LACHLAN SHYVES EDDIE Solomon Star, Honiara.