Fans lash out at Home and Away character's odd behaviour: 'Creepy'


fans are raising their eyebrows after Cash Newman finally met Michelle, the recipient of the organ donation from his sister Felicity after her death from a brain aneurysm earlier this year. Since , Cash has understandably been and going for long beach runs, looking absolutely anguished as it turns out he can't run away from his own feelings or thoughts. With Cash starting to experience panic attacks, he initially decided to postpone meeting Michelle who received Felicity's lungs and heart, only to find out she had already descended into the Bay and was basically on his front doorstep looking remarkably well for someone who had just undergone a major surgery.

Naturally, Cash was desperately staring at her like he was waiting for Felicity to jump out of her body, pushing an album full of photos at Michelle and not blinking once as she turned through the pages of photos of the dead woman who gave her a new shot at life. Just a nice casual arvo catchup. When and Felicity's best friend, got wind of the fact Michelle was in town and Cash had hidden her, she angrily attempted to barge into the house before Cash shooed her off in his new, cold way, staring right through her as though she doesn't exist.

Luckily Michelle, a woman who has no idea what tf is going on, decided to intervene and tell Cash that Felicity's best friend deserves a chance to meet her too. Will it happen? Stay tuned. But fans are getting quite over Cash's borderline insane behaviour.

To be fair, how does one act normal after their only relative left has died and then you meet the woman who received her organs? Cash has a right to be sad, but maybe just take it off our screens, darl, because fans are fed up. "I am actually already tired of this," one person said about the Michelle storyline. "I actually think it's sick what Cash is doing," another said.

"He is becoming very creepy." "Creepy is the word," one more fan agreed, while another joked, "I must say..

.Michelle is looking quite remarkable after a heart and double lung transplant." Others are still wildly annoyed at how — basically like a piece of chewing gum stuck on his shoe that he's trying to flick off with a stick before spitting on it, stomping his foot, and throwing his shoe into a bin, that's kind of what he's doing with Eden's heart, I guess.

Anyway. Fans aren't happy about it. "Cash is treating Eden like crap, he didn't even want to tell Michelle who Eden really was, like she didn't even matter," one person complained.

"Cash is the one who called quits, so he needs to grow up," another ranted. However, some fans defended Cash, saying perhaps this was the closure he needed. "I think it’s great that he has met her because I feel that it’s the best way to get closure.

I would do the same thing," someone commented. "Cash is going break soon after seeing Michelle and realise that Flick has really gone and he will start to move on with his life..

. he needed that closure," another agreed. Others were worried, given Summer Bay's terrible history with scammers, that perhaps Michelle isn't all she's cracked up to be.

Do we all have trust issues now? Probably. "The so-called recipient is a scammer and cash is going to give her all Felicity's money," one person theorised. "I hope she is not a scammer we just got rid of the one with Irene," another fan said.

Surely we're not due for our 773rd scammer storyline this year, but as long as Cash doesn't fall in love with Michelle, that's all I truly care about..