Faith Groups Key In Suicide Prevention: Ravunawa

Mr Ravunawa praised the theme, Change the Narrative, calling it not just appropriate, but extremely crucial to the collective fight against suicide.


Faith-based organizations play an important role in addressing suicide and mental health issues in Fiji, according to Opposition MP Penioni Ravunawa. Addressing Parliament, Mr Ravunawa stressed the importance of involving religious bodies in the country’s efforts to combat rising suicide rates. The influence of these organizations can be productive in creating a compassionate approach towards individuals experiencing distress, he said, while discussing the Suicide Prevention 2024 initiative by the Ministry of Health.

The initiative will be launched next week Tuesday. Mr Ravunawa praised the theme, Change the Narrative, calling it not just appropriate, but extremely crucial to the collective fight against suicide. “The faith-based organisations in Fiji have the biggest reach in our local settings,” he said.

Citing the role of religious institutions, Mr Ravunawa highlighted the importance of government support. “They need to be better looked after by the government in terms of resources and capacity building. “These organizations must not be used only as a rubber stamp in consultations but seen as a tangible tool in dealing with many challenging social issues locally,” he said.

Referencing scripture, Mr Ravunawa stressed the value of life, quoting Deuteronomy 30:19: “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” He also cited Galatians 6:2, which calls on people to “bear one another’s burdens.” “Both scriptures impress the importance of preserving life and lending an empathetic ear to individuals battling with the pressures of life,” Mr Ravunawa said.

In closing, he called on all Fijians to “create spaces in which those struggling with suicidal victims can find hope, solace, and most importantly, help.” “We can be rest assured that our commitment to these initiatives will be a success,” he said. September is recognised as National Suicide Prevention Month.

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