Expert advice on how to prepare financially for your maternity leave

New mothers not only have to look after their bundle of joy but often have to deal with the stress of managing a revised budget.


For anyone planning maternity leave, here’s advice on how to put your finances in order before baby arrives from Carol Brick, managing director of HerMoney, specialist financial advisors for women Finances can be tight during maternity leave, so create a budget and understand your entitlements. Photo: Getty Images New mothers not only have to look after their bundle of joy but often have to deal with the stress of managing a revised budget. ​Unlike other countries, maternity leave in Ireland is a right, and we are lucky with the significant time allowed.

But Ireland is one of the worst countries in Europe for financial support during and after pregnancy. Maternity leave pay very much depends on the company you work for and anyone working for a company that doesn’t pay maternity leave (and there are many) is only entitled to €274 a week from the State, for 26 weeks. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.