End-of-life nurse reveals the ‘worst’ diseases to die from – and the most peaceful ways to go


AN END-of-life nurse has revealed some of the 'worst' diseases to die from and other more peaceful ways to pass away. Most of prefer not to think about death in the first place - and when we do, we hope our end will be a smooth and painless as possible. As a hospice nurse, Julie McFadden has seen it all.

She began sharing her insights into death and dying across social platforms like TikTok and YouTube with the hope that it would make people less afraid of the idea. Julie appeared on the Problem Solved podcast, speaking to host Jeff Guenther - known as Therapy Jeff to his followers - about why it's important to face the prospect of death head on. "People knowing what death actually looks like can really help them prepare for the moment, so they don't associate what they're seeing with suffering," the hospice nurse explained.

"Generally speaking, if you don't know what dying looks like, it can feel very, very scary, heightened, chaotic. "I think the better we prepare for that and really know what it looks like and why things are happening, we can be a little more present and less in a 'flight or fight response'," Julie added. Her host asked the question that many of us would be afraid to ask but might secretly want the answer to: "What's the worst thing to die of and what's the best thing to die from?" Julie hesitated, saying she always "feels bad" addressing these kinds of questions.

But she answered nevertheless, saying: "To me there are a couple diseases that are the worst..