Empowered Funds LLC Buys New Stake in Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares (NASDAQ:AMZU)

Empowered Funds LLC bought a new stake in Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares (NASDAQ:AMZU – Free Report) in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm bought 6,242 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $262,000. Several other institutional investors have [...]


Empowered Funds LLC bought a new stake in Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares ( NASDAQ:AMZU – Free Report ) in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm bought 6,242 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $262,000. Several other institutional investors have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the stock.

TRUE Private Wealth Advisors grew its stake in shares of Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares by 1.2% in the third quarter. TRUE Private Wealth Advisors now owns 53,836 shares of the company’s stock worth $1,746,000 after acquiring an additional 639 shares in the last quarter.

IMC Chicago LLC grew its stake in shares of Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares by 203.6% in the fourth quarter. IMC Chicago LLC now owns 48,433 shares of the company’s stock worth $2,035,000 after acquiring an additional 32,482 shares in the last quarter.

Jane Street Group LLC acquired a new position in shares of Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares in the third quarter worth $1,164,000. Virtu Financial LLC acquired a new position in shares of Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares in the third quarter worth $1,158,000. Finally, Traynor Capital Management Inc.

grew its stake in shares of Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares by 56.4% in the third quarter. Traynor Capital Management Inc.

now owns 21,500 shares of the company’s stock worth $697,000 after acquiring an additional 7,750 shares in the last quarter. Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares Stock Down 5.7 % NASDAQ:AMZU opened at $39.

95 on Friday. The company has a market cap of $177.78 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 120.

98 and a beta of -2.52. The company has a fifty day simple moving average of $45.

14 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $37.85. Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares has a 52 week low of $22.

11 and a 52 week high of $50.61. Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares Cuts Dividend Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares Profile ( Free Report ) The Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 1.

5X Shares ETF (AMZU) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the Amazon.com, Inc index. The fund provides 1.

5x leveraged exposure, less fees and expenses, to the daily price movement for shares of Amazon stock. AMZU was launched on Sep 7, 2022 and is managed by Direxion. Further Reading Want to see what other hedge funds are holding AMZU? Visit HoldingsChannel.

com to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares ( NASDAQ:AMZU – Free Report ). Receive News & Ratings for Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Direxion Daily AMZN Bull 2X Shares and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .
