New Delhi: Union Labour Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday said employment in the country has increased by 36 per cent to 64.33 crore in 2023-24 from 47.15 crore in 2014-15, which shows improvement in job creation during NDA period.
Talking to media persons, the minister also stated that employment under UPA grew by just about 7 per cent between 2004 and 2014. According to the RBI data quoted by the minister, employment increased from 44.23 crore in 2014 to 47.
15 crore in 2023-24..
Employment rate jumps 36% to 64.33 cr in Modi tenure
Union Labour Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday said employment in the country has increased by 36 per cent to 64.33 crore in 2023-24 from 47.15 crore in 2014-15, which shows improvement in job creation during NDA period.