Elitists cancel all who oppose radical transgenderism



Tonight, on The Ezra Levant Show , a long form interview with parental rights activist Billboard Chris on radical transgenderism and cancel culture. Our entire culture is in favor of transgenderism. It really came out of nowhere.

Ten years ago, no one even used the phrase. Twenty years ago, it was the subject of some amusement. Like the movie Mrs.

Doubtfire with Robin Williams. Well, it's deadly serious now. It's so pervasive throughout our entire culture, and we've never seen a harsher enforcement of cancel culture.

Before Elon Musk took over Twitter, misgendering someone or dead naming someone would be the absolute fastest way to get suspended or banned from Twitter. But what happens if you simply hold your ground? "I've immersed myself in this for really the past five years," said Billboard Chris. "My campaign is just a little over four years long, but I've pretty much read all there is to read about this.

" The activist has spent the past several years talking with experts on this subject, as well as many people who have gone through gender transitions and then speak about the harms. One of the reasons why support for LGBTQ2+ is declining is because of radical transgenderism and the looming threat of being canceled for rebelling against elitist institutions. "It's my belief that .

.. ordinary people aren't quite convinced.

In fact, I think they're rather troubled by it," Levant said..