Election turmoil


Thirty-eight candidates vying for the ‘hot seat’ literally, makes Sri Lanka a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. The expense of printing ballot papers of the length required is gargantuan. How dysfunctional can a country be, declared bankrupt.

Stuffing them into ballot boxes is no mean task. The process of sorting counting is 38 times harder. Meaningless exercise in a country struggling under strain of billions of Dollars in Sovereign Debt and no means or plan of payback.

Unrest and conflict in the Middle East and Eastern Europe adding to economic woes. The choice of candidates now comes down to 3. We the voter who is today the VVIP for all purposes will decide on the proffered one.

Did we have a say in the selection, no. Incumbent President has the advantage of media coverage and attention ad lib. He also while promising a rosy future as always, keeps passing bills in parliament to gain favour and fervour.

Salary increases and other delectable benefits to the naive uninformed electorate. Much to the distress of the Election Commissioner who can only protest to the Cabinet of Ministers. Blatant disregard for election laws.

We the voter should keep in mind the following. 1) Sri Lanka needs CHANGE of political culture. Rid country of geriatric septuagenarians (between 70-79 years) who have shamelessly hogged the political sphere.

40 years and more, enjoying the perks and privileges of membership of legislature. No democracy allows for such flagrant disregard for power sharing. 2) Dynasties have to be liquidated.

No sons, daughters, nephews, uncles, and aunts. No place in democracies. Not electable.

Need to be voted out for ever. 3) To make the CHANGE, the present leadership and cohorts have be out voted! Don’t dilly dally, waiver hesitate or rethink. Defeat has to be compelling and convincing.

We need systemic change for the benefit of generations to come. We owe them, the young who are hoping for better opportunities. Sri Lanka stagnates under weight of selfish despotic politicians.

The legislature has to be cleansed of the corrupt contagion that infects the entire public and private sector. Sri Lanka is blessed with young, intelligent, educated citizens who are now working in foreign countries giving their best to develop their adopted countries. Scientists, technocrats, professionals hugely respected and recognised.

Young and middle aged persons living in Sri Lanka with intellect and aptitude to help develop the nation are not allowed the opportunity. Disregarded. A serious lapse of leadership and political will.

On 21 September we the VVIP Voter will OUTVOTE and cleanse society of the flotsam and jetsam (thrash and useless items, pollutants) that choke our society. Think, vote (the devil if so) to rid us of an infestation that has plagued our country. This is our chance.

We need to allow for persons with political will to be given the batten of opportunity to run the relay. Power has to be shared, not the right of the elitist class and political families – demagogues. It took 10 years for the French Revolution to rid the country of emperors, courtiers, and cake eating rulers, to bring people power to an Imperial State.

Political and societal change. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of liberal democracy. Sri Lanka’s political system is buried in elitist snobbery.

Cannot be allowed as majority are rural people without a voice or rights. The readers of the esteemed FT have a responsibility to educate and create awareness among the wage earners (proletariat) and the selfish elitists. Let us unite in an endeavour to make Sri Lanka great again.
