Editorial comment | Poverty shocker!

The revelation that more than half of our population are struggling to survive is cause for concern. In fact it is a sad state of affairs for us as a nation. Speaking at the launch of the National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Deputy Prime Minster Manoa Kamikamica said [...]The post Editorial comment | Poverty shocker! appeared first on The Fiji Times.


The revelation that more than half of our population are struggling to survive is cause for concern. In fact it is a sad state of affairs for us as a nation. Speaking at the launch of the National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Deputy Prime Minster Manoa Kamikamica said there was an urgent need to reduce the inequality gap and alleviate poverty as more than half of our population fall in this category.

We agree with the statement that all citizens must be provided with the support needed to reduce the inequality gap and alleviate poverty. And yes, they need to be addressed head on. Mr Kamikamica said the latest income survey from the ADB from 2019 to 2020, indicates that about 29.

9 per cent of our population equating to 258,053 of our people, are under the poverty line of less than $86.10 per month and another 200,000 are facing hardship. The figure, he said, had increased over the effect of COVID-19 and rising cost of living in the past four years because of inflation.

This meant there was a disparity and inequality to more than 52 per cent of our population. And the figure has been validated through the Household and Income Survey. It was difficult, he said, to rebuild the country and empower people through unity when more than 52 per cent of the population were struggling to survive.

That makes sense! This is why Government, he said, was committed to addressing these challenges in the short and medium term and “must think outside the box and move away from business-as-usual approach”. The statistic about poverty is a major concern. There has to be some urgency to address the many challenges our people are facing.

With all these issues in mind, it is encouraging that we have the National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050. It brings hope and obviously provides a structured approach to addressing issues of national concern. The DPM’s call to action is clear.

We must tackle the inequality gap and poverty with enthusiasm and creativity. We must understand the contributing factors that have forced many of our people into poverty. And for their sake and that of the nation, we must unite and work on solutions! If the ultimate goal of the NDP is to bring greater prosperity to the nation, reduce poverty, and improve the social and economic wellbeing of our people, then we say bring it on! It is the way to go and deserves attention and our support! We need action!.