Eating a common leafy vegetable can help slash the risk of erectile dysfunction, new study suggests


SPINACH can give a man a Popeye-style boost in the bedroom, research suggests. A study found eating the dark green leafy veg helped slash the risk of erectile dysfunction and improved blood flow down below. Cartoon sailor Popeye famously scoffed cans of spinach to strengthen his muscles — much to the delight of girlfriend Olive Oyl.

Researchers from Shantou University in China compared the diets and sexual function of 3,184 men in the US. About 27 per cent had erection problems. Blokes who had a diet rich in antioxidants — including spinach and kale — were 37 per cent less likely to flag than those who consumed the least.

Read More on Health Researchers reckon antioxidants reduce damage to cells and blood vessels which will improve men’s sex lives. Study author Dr Zhuangcheng Huang said: “Our findings reveal a relationship between dietary antioxidant index scores and the incidence of erectile dysfunction. "They hint that a diet rich in a spectrum of antioxidant nutrients might play a role in both preventing and alleviating erectile dysfunction.

” At least half of UK men over 40 say they struggle in bed. Most read in Health It is more likely if they are unfit, overweight or have serious health conditions. Nuts, berries and dark chocolate are also high in antioxidants.
