In the past, I wrote a general guide to Japanese seaweed , its health and beauty benefits and why you should eat this superfood more often than not. This time, I’m here to introduce some easy seaweed recipes you can add to your diet to reap all of its benefits. By now, you know that seaweed provides us with several essential nutrients, including: Seaweed is also a wonderful source of antioxidants, which are known to have anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits.
You may also know that other wonderful health benefits of seaweed include helping to improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis, assisting with weight loss and helping moderate blood sugar levels. Now, all that’s great, but — aside from eating sushi all day and adding some dry seaweed to your miso soup — are there any other easy ways to incorporate this superfood into our diet without having to sign up for Japanese cooking classes ? To encourage you to give seaweed a try, here are five easy recipes that will help you fall in love with seaweed — or at least have it a bit more often. Enjoy! 1.
Seaweed Chips 2. Kombu Tsukudani 3. Pickled Cucumber & Wakame Salad 4.
Japanese Hijiki Salad 5. Seaweed Omelet 1. Seaweed Chips This is a great recipe for a yummy and healthy alternative when you’re craving something to snack on.
Ingredients Seasoning Mix: Instructions 2. Kombu Tsukudani Kombu tsukudani is thinly cut kombu seaweed cooked and seasoned mainly with sugar and soy sauce. It is a Japanese household staple and is often used as a delicious accompaniment for plain rice (like tsukemono pickles).
You can top a bowl of rice with it or mix it into your onigiri rice balls. 3. Pickled Cucumber & Wakame Salad Click here to read more.
Easy seaweed recipes for people who need more minerals in their diet
In the past, I wrote a general guide to Japanese seaweed, its health and beauty benefits and why you should eat this superfood more often than not. This time, I’m...