Eastbourne: Controversial plans for seafront block of flats approved

Controversial proposals to build a seafront retirement living complex have been approved by planners. - www.theargus.co.uk


On Tuesday, Eastbourne Borough Council's planning committee granted permission to build 126 apartments on land to the east of Martinique Way in Sovereign Harbour. Alternative versions of the scheme had been considered by the committee on two previous occasions in the past six months, with councillors having chosen to defer their previous decisions due to concerns about its size and impact on the surrounding area. Developer Untold Living submitted revised plans following each deferral, reducing the size of the proposed scheme each time.

The initial plans, considered by the committee in March, had been for 137 apartments, with the first revision reducing the number of units to 128. The reduced number of apartments in the latest version of the plans came alongside other changes to the complex's design, including a reduction in the massing of one of its buildings and an increase in off-street parking spaces (from 70 to 75). While the latest.

.. Huw Oxburgh.