Early learning educators and staff recognised at inaugural award ceremony

The Macleay Early Learning Collaborative Awards were held


The Macleay Early Learning Collaborative celebrated local early childhood education professionals by recognising those who have strived to elevate the importance of sector and the profession. or signup to continue reading The Macleay Early Learning Collaborative Awards was hosted for the first time at South West Rocks Surf Club on Saturday August 17, 2024. This event was designed to recognise the significant people in the Macleay Valley who have dedicated themselves to elevating the profession, to acknowledge individuals who are striving to raise educational outcomes for children within their own services and to celebrate all the wonderful educators and staff who enrich children's education and lives.

The night focused on a collaborative approach to further foster the network of people who support our local families and children. The night encompassed lots of networking opportunities and time to recognise those who have dedicated themselves to driving initiatives in our region. There were various speakers throughout the night beginning with Aunty Jo Kelly from Learning the Macleay.

She emphasised the important role early childhood educators play on growing our future leaders. QLD Department of Education director of partnerships and programs Rebecca Minter attended the night to receive an honorary award for her involvement in developing the Macleay Early Learning Collaborative. Ms Minter acknowledged the important work current early childhood educators are doing, with the first 5 years being the most impactful.

She also spoke to how a collaborative approach to children's education can positively raise a whole communities' future outcomes. Many people who have been instrumental in delivering high quality outcomes for young children in the Macleay Valley were honoured at the awards night by receiving a special Honorary Award which included a print by local Aboriginal artist Jason Ridgeway. This print shows the story of how all the early childhood services are connected to each other through stories, song lines and the Macleay River.

There were six awards in which individuals were nominated for and judged against a criterion: Administrator of the Year Award, Outstanding Contribution to the Sector Awards and four Trainees of the Year Awards..