DWP disability benefit increases exact amounts for 2025 confirmed

Disability benefits claimants will see their payments increase next year, after the DWP confirmed how much benefits will rise by.


Disability benefits claimants will see their payments increase next year, after the DWP confirmed how much each scheme will rise by. Disability benefits help people who have a disability or health condition that affects how much they can work. People can apply if they are employed, self-employed or unemployed.

The main disability benefits are: Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Attendance Allowance There is also DLA, or Disability Living Allowance, which is a legacy benefit and has largely been replaced by Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for disabled people. Many benefits are not claimed each year. Use a benefits calculator to find out what other benefits you could get.

Recommended reading: DWP benefits rise - how much and when do they go up? Warning issued to travellers over phone mistake that could cost thousands Subscriptions cutbacks that could save you hundreds Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) ESA claimants are placed into one of two groups. If they are able to get back into work in the future, they are put into a work-related activity group. Otherwise, they are put into the support group.

The benefit cap may affect the total amount of benefit you can get. The cap will not affect you if you’re in the ESA support group. The new Personal Allowances will increase from £ 71.

70 to £72.90 for a single person, aged under 25 from £90.50 to £92.

05 a week, if they are 25 or over For lone parents, that will be an increase from £90.50 to £92.05, or £71.

70 to £72.90 if the parent is under 18. For a couple: both under 18 it will go up from £71.

70 to £72.90 if they have a child that will go from £108.30 to £110.

15 That increases if they are counted as main phase, or if o ne is under 18 and the other one is older than 18, although certain conditions apply. If b oth are over 18, the payment increases from £142.25 to £144.

65 , and there are separate limits for different circumstances where a c laimant is 25 or over and has a partner who is under 18. (Image: Employment Support Allowance new payment amounts) How about the premiums? The premiums have also been updated. Enhanced disability for a single person has an increased premium, from £20.

85 to £21.20. For a couple that goes from £29.

75 to £30.25. For what's classed as a severe disability that also increases, for a single person from £81.

50 to £82.90, and for a couple at the lower rate from £81.50 to £82.

90. For a couple on the higher rate that goes from £163 to £165.80.

For a single pensioner with work-related activity component that will increase from £91.70 to £98.50.

For a single pensioner with with support component that will go up from £79.95 to £86.55, and for single with no component that moves from £127.

65 to £135.05. The rates for pension-age couples with work-related activity component gores from £154.

75 to £165.40, and with support component from £143 to 153.45.

A pension-age couple with no component goes from £190.70 to £201.95.

The components for the work-related activity group go from £35.95 to £36.55 and for support group from £47.

70 to £48.50. (Image: Employment Support Allowance new payment amounts) Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both: a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition There are 2 parts to PIP, a daily living part to help with household tasks such as washing and dressing and a mobility part - if you need help with getting around.

Unlike some other benefits, you can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits. It is tax free and not affected by your income or savings. If you get the mobility part of PIP, you might be eligible for a: Blue Badge vehicle tax discount or exemption Motability Scheme vehicle, if you get the higher mobility rate of PIP If you get either the daily living or mobility part of PIP you may also be eligible for a Disabled Persons Railcard.

You may be able to get a discount on Council Tax and local bus travel. Contact your local council to check. Disability Living Allowance The new rates, from April 2025 Daily living component Enhanced from £108.

55 to £110.40 Standard from £72.65 to £73.

89 Mobility component Enhanced from 75.75 to 77.04 Standard from 28.

70 to 29.19 DLA care component rates will increase as follows: The highest rate: £108.55 a week to £110.

40 a week The middle rate from £72.65 a week to £73.90 a week The lowest rate from £28.

70 a week to £29.20 a week DLA mobility component rates will increase as follows: The higher rate: £75.75 a week to £77.

05 a week The lower rate: £28.70 a week to £29.20 a week Attendance Allowance Attendance Allowance helps older people with extra costs if they have a disability or health condition severe enough that they need someone to help look after them.

It’s paid at two different rates and how much claimants get depends on the level of care that they need. Older people could get help with personal support if both of the following apply: they have a physical disability, a mental disability, or a health condition they are State Pension age or older From April 2025 the new Attendance Allowance rates are: Lower rate From £72.65 a week to £73.

90 a week Higher rate From £108.55 a week £110.40 a week Attendance Allowance does not cover mobility needs, and there’s a different way to claim for end of life care.

Claimants could also get extra Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction if you get Attendance Allowance. If they have a carer, they could get Carer’s Allowance too. Attendance Allowance in Scotland Claimants will need to apply for Pension Age Disability Payment instead of Attendance Allowance if they live in: Aberdeen City Argyll and Bute Highland Orkney Islands Shetland Islands For any other part of Scotland, apply for Attendance Allowance.
