Much like its predecessor, Death Stranding 2: On the Beach will be getting an official novelisation, scheduled to release one day before the game in Japan, on 25th June. There’s no word on an English translation just yet, but it’s worth noting that the original game was also converted into a book, and it was released across two volumes in the US and the UK. Audiobook versions are also available.
Author Kenji Yano, known under his penname Hitori Nojima, has been tasked with converting creator Hideo Kojima’s often unhinged imagery into the written word. He also penned the novelisation of the first game, which was largely acclaimed, as well as books based on the various Metal Gear Solid titles. Interestingly, the entire plot of the game will be packed into 576 pages, although we probably can’t infer much about campaign length from this, as presumably the novel glosses over many of those long delivery missions, where your only real goal is wandering through the wilderness.
Is this something you’d personally be willing to read? Do you prefer this format to actually playing the games? Mull it over in the comments section below and let us know..