‘Don’t Think That’s True’: CNN Host Pushes Back On Ex-DNC Chair’s Claim It’s Only ‘Elites’ Fretting About Biden Debate

'I just don't think that's true'


CNN host John Berman on Monday refuted Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s assertion that it is just “elites” who are worrying about President Joe Biden’s debate performance. Biden, during his Thursday debate with former President Donald Trump, spoke with a voice and trailed off, prompting concerns about his and fitness for office.

Wasserman-Schultz appeared to attempt on “CNN News Central” to dismiss these worries as only stemming from “elites” rather than ordinary Americans, but Berman told her he does not believe the assessment is accurate. ‘Don’t Think That’s True’: CNN Host Pushes Back On Ex-DNC Chair’s Claim It’s Only ‘Elites’ Fretting About Biden Debate — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) “Look, this is a conversation, honestly, John, that is taking place among elites,” Wasserman Schultz said. “I just don’t think that’s true, congresswoman .

.. I just think that anyone who was anywhere this weekend, talking to anybody, the subject of discussion was the debate and was President Biden’s performance.

I don’t think that that discussion is only members of Congress,” Berman responded. Wasserman-Schultz then clarified she was not just talking about members of Congress when she said “elites.” “There are certainly a greater breadth of how I would define elites.

I mean my constituents at home, voters across this country, are not going to be focused on what The New York Times or what the Atlanta Journal-Constitution .