Donald Trump Jr. Rightly FED UP With Having to Tell His Kids Someone Tried to Kill Their Grandpa AGAIN

While the Left doubles down on being awful about the latest Trump assassination attempt (yeah, that's a sentence we just had to write), they -- the supposed party of tolerance, love, and joy -- seem to forget Donald Trump has a family who loves him.AdvertisementIncluding young... -


While the Left doubles down on being awful about the latest Trump assassination attempt (yeah, that's a sentence we just had to write), they -- the supposed party of tolerance, love, and joy -- seem to forget Donald Trump has a family who loves him. Advertisement Including young grandchildren. We get it -- Joe Biden spent years ignoring his one inconvenient granddaughter -- so maybe the Left is unfamiliar with how much grandparents and grandchildren love one another.

But they do. And it's scary and hard for the kids when Left-wing lunatics keep trying to murder their grandfather. That's the reality the five children of Donald Trump, Jr.

have to deal with, sadly. You know what's getting really old? Having to have conversations with my 5 young children about radical leftist trying to kill their grandfather. No person should ever have to do this in America or anywhere else and yet I had to have that conversation five times again yesterday.

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 16, 2024 This writer's children lost both their grandfathers within 17 months of each other, from natural causes. That was hard enough.

She's sure the Left will justify this because...

Amy Curtis.