Donal O’Donovan: If John B Keane is anything to go by, we are in for an unholy row as the tide goes out on Catholic Ireland

It is said by wiser people than me that the dramatic tension in Shakespeare’s best play boils down to some iteration of “who gets the house?”. John B Keane’s great Irish twist on that was “who gets the field?”.


The GAA is probably the only organisation in Ireland that can match the influence the Catholic Church used to possess. Photo: Stock image It is said by wiser people than me that the dramatic tension in Shakespeare’s best play boils down to some iteration of “who gets the house?”. John B Keane’s great Irish twist on that was “who gets the field?”.

If a blazing row in south Co Dublin is anything to go by, John B’s big question is about to become very relevant in communities across the country. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.