‘Do you want to dance?’: Yob hit pal with metal bar

Terry Whyte had been on an eight-hour drink and drugs binge when he carried out the assault.


A topless thug armed with a dumbbell bar asked his friend if he wanted “to dance” before hitting him on the neck. Terry Whyte had been on a drink and drug binge for almost eight hours after going round to his friend’s house to watch TV. As his level of intoxication grew, the 37-year-old fell out with his friend, who briefly left the address because of Whyte’s behaviour.

But when he returned, Whyte was ready and waiting – top removed, metal bar in hand – and struck him to the side of his neck. Fiscal depute Brooklyn Shaw told Aberdeen Sheriff Court the incident happened on February 7 2022. She said: “Around 4pm the accused went to the locus to consume alcohol and watch TV with the complainer.

“Around 11.50pm the complainer had left due to the accused’s behaviour and returned 20 minutes later. “When he returned he observed the accused had taken his T-shirt off and had a dumbbell pole in his hand.

“The accused stated ‘do you want to dance?’ and hit the complainer to the right side of his neck just below the ear.” The blow left the male with reddening and a minor abrasion. Whyte “fled” the address and contacted the police.

Positive reports Officers attended and traced Whyte, who made a voluntary admission that he had taken the pole and hit the complainer “due to an argument they had”. Whyte, of Faithlie Street, Fraserburgh, pled guilty to assault to injury. Defence agent Kevin Longino said: “We’re dealing with a case here where they’re both under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

” He added that his client was making efforts to free himself of drugs. Sheriff Rhona Wark told Whyte: “I’m pleased to see the reports are very positive and you’ve been working very well towards resolving the issues you face and not committing any further offences.” She admonished Whyte, meaning the conviction goes on his record but he does not face any further punishment.
