Do you like re-watching old shows? Here's why it's comforting; psychologist explains

From making us feel relaxed to reducing signs of loneliness, here's why re-watching old shows can be comforting.


Re-watching old shows is comforting and nostalgic. It's always a warm feeling to go back to shows that we have seen before. "One of the reasons we enjoy rewatching old shows and movies is the sense of nostalgia they evoke.

These beloved classics often represent a bygone era or a particular time in our lives, and revisiting them can transport us back to those moments, triggering fond memories and emotions. It’s like reconnecting with old friends and reliving cherished experiences," wrote Psychologist Shaurya Gahlawat. Here are a few reasons why re-watching old shows makes us feel good.

(Unsplash) Sometimes searching for the perfect show to watch, that suits our taste, can be tiring. Going back to old shows saves us from decision fatigue. (Unsplash) We can let the show play in the background without having to pay all our attention to the plot because we already know what happens.

Sometimes, in a re-watch, we can also observe something new. (Unsplash) Sometimes watching new shows can be mentally stressful. Re-watching old shows saves us mental gymnastics, and makes us feel relaxed.

(Unsplash) Re-watching old shows can trigger happy memories of the older times, and make us feel nostalgic. (Unsplash) Some shows that we feel comfortable with can make us feel warm and relaxed. This, in turn, reduces the sense of loneliness.
