Renowned director Poorvaj, known for his previous hits like Shukra, Matarani Maunamidi, and A Masterpiece, is back with an exciting new project, Killer. This time, he not only takes the director’s chair but also stars as the lead hero. Joining him in the film is Jyothi Poorvaj as the heroine, with Vishal Raj and Gautham playing significant roles.
The movie is produced by Poorvaj, Prajay Kamath, and A. Padmanabha Reddy, in association with AU&I and Merge XR under the Think Cinema banner. The shooting for Killer Part 1 is progressing at a fast pace, with the team wrapping up its third schedule.
With 50 percent of the shoot already completed, the cast has filmed a mix of action, romantic, and suspense-filled scenes. The film promises a thrilling blend of genres, including love, romance, revenge, artificial intelligence, and suspense, set against a sci-fi backdrop. As a new-age action thriller, Killer Part 1 aims to offer a unique and memorable cinematic experience to the audience.
The team is preparing for the next schedule of filming, and fans can expect more updates soon. Killer is shaping up to be an intriguing and action-packed venture that is sure to captivate moviegoers..
Director Poorvaj’s ‘Killer’ wraps third schedule
Renowned director Poorvaj, known for his previous hits like Shukra, Matarani Maunamidi, and A Masterpiece, is back with an exciting new project, Killer.