Dilemma in Kebbi PDP and fear of Governor Idris

It is becoming obvious that some political parties and individuals who suffered defeat in an election and assumed the position of opposition have different interpretations of the role of the opposition in democratic governance. Some of them with genuine interest in the growth of democracy, have through peaceful and responsible conduct of political activities...The post Dilemma in Kebbi PDP and fear of Governor Idris first appeared on New Telegraph.The post Dilemma in Kebbi PDP and fear of Governor Idris appeared first on New Telegraph.


It is becoming obvious that some political parties and individuals who suffered defeat in an election and assumed the position of opposition have different interpretations of the role of the opposition in democratic governance. Some of them with genuine interest in the growth of democracy, have through peaceful and responsible conduct of political activities in a developing country like ours, embraced the part of progress and engaged in constructive criticism in their conduct of political activities. Others whose defeat, resulting from their unfortunate antecedent, are finding it difficult to honourably accept defeat and, therefore, resort to destructive criticism and campaign of calumny A typical example of the category of the unfaithful class of politicians with destructive mindset are some members of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kebbi State.

Nursing the pains of their woeful defeat in the 2023 governorship election, the unprecedented development in the state by the administration of Comrade Governor Nasir Idris within one year, they apparently concluded that their future political career is under serious threat would be a stumbling block to their future political career. Prior to the conduct of the local government council elections and in realisation of the glaring threat to their political fortunes, they embarked on another shameful attempt by resorting to fabrication of falsehood and mischievous allegations against the popular All Progressive Congress (APC) controlled state government and its functionaries. The visibility of the impacts of the infrastructure provided by the government further exposed their defeatist tendencies.

The baseless allegations of planned rigging of local government council elections and subsequent withdrawal from the election by the PDP were obviously aimed at avoiding another shameful and woeful defeat, having understood the clear direction of the electorates. Interestingly and expectedly too, many patriotic PDP members genuinely interested in the development of the state, have acknowledged and appreciated the positive impact of the numerous projects and programmes executed in all sectors of development by Comrade Governor Nasir Idris administration within one year. The patriotism exhibited by the PDP repented members and their commendation of the governor’s foresight in sustaining the tempo of his administration’s development strides with visible impacts.

Expectedly, the verifiable People’s oriented projects being spread across the state appeared to be responsible for the continuous massive decamping of PDP members to the All Progressive Congress, leaving the PDP for paperweight politicians and toothless bulldogs. The majority of those left behind are known sadists with identified trademark of pull-down syndrome, vehemently but unsuccessfully planning to sabotage the execution of valuable infrastructure. As a young, promising and dynamic politician committed to true democracy, Comrade Nasir Kauran Gwandu has at different forums expressed his readiness to accept constructive criticism capable of adding value to his administration’s commitment to improving the well-being of the people.

However, as the administration further unveiled and continued implementing its economically viable, socially impactful developmental projects and programmes, the remnants in the opposition are increasingly becoming worried, experiencing sleeplessness with high possibility of resulting in possible heart failure to the pathological sadists in PDP. A critical and objective analysis of the behaviour of the remnants members has revealed their traumatised condition caused by envy and lack of faith in destiny. It can clearly be observed that they always get confused and start ranting whenever Governor Nasir Idris flagged off execution of valuable infrastructure, launched economic empowerment programmes, and embarked on activity that has the potentiality of creating employment opportunities and the much needed sources of wealth generation in the state.

Among the opposition’s major causes of headache are why should Kauran Gwandu be responsible for the comprehensive face-lift of the state capital, completion of ultra modern Secretariat complex, construction of modern motor park and establishment of skills acquisition centres in the major towns of the state? Not only that, they are wondering how he paid the backlog of civil servants’ pension and gratuity,increased medical doctors’ salary, and absolved casual health workers into the state civil service? Equally worrisome to the doubting Thomoses was how Comrade Gwandu is judiciously managing the state resources to the extent of reserving funds for establishing six referral hospitals, cleared the backlog of payment of scholarship for both local and international students, establishment of six mega schools at the emirate headquarters, construction of roads in the rural areas including the reconstruction of Koko-Zuru federal road. They are not happy with Gwandu for Birnin Kebbi GSM Plaza, popularly referred to as Bindawa Plaza, and handed it over to the thousands of the tenants, already issued with quit notice for refusing to accept upward review of the tenant rate. What also appeared to have a devastating effect on their political fortunes is the distribution of N100,000 business support to over six hundred thousand each under the KAURA CARES support programme.

It has been discovered that some members of the opposition allegedly penetrated the disbursement procedure, claiming to be consultants that can facilitate the inclusion of names of beneficiary and eventual payment. When the dubious attempt was discovered, the state commissioner of Information and Culture quickly alerted the unsuspecting public to be aware of the dupers, assuring that the government has commenced investigation. Surprisingly, shortly after the state government’s warning, the state chapter of the PDP’s pretending to be unaware of the state government’s discovery and warning, issued a press release, apparently claiming innocence and discrediting the laudable programme.

Above all, Comrade Gwandu’s acceptance of special invitations from some foreign government, foreign investors and governmental agencies for business discussion on investment in some identified Comrade Governors by some foreign investors and governmental agencies to Governor Idris for business discussion on some identified mineral resources and abundant agricultural products. Their fears and graduation to a state of confusion and hopelessness can be understood, knowing Governor Nasir’s doggedness and in pursuing whatever goal he set to achieve at all cost, provided it can facilitate the socio-economic development of the state. It is a known fact that some foreign investors interested in establishing solar panels manufacturing industry and agro-allied processing industry recently visited the state and submitted their proposals for either joint partnership or sole ownership.

The proposals were accepted and subjected to thorough analysis of the socio-economic benefits of the industries to the government and the people of Kebbi State. The analysis was carried out by an assembled group of industrial and economic experts including officials of the relevant government agencies and at the end, Governor Gwandu led a high powered delegation to the United State of America and Spain to finalise discussion and possibly conclude the arrangement of establishing the industries. Therefore, the hullabaloo and ranting being made by the so called opposition is justifiable in view of the fact that the success of the foreign trips and eventual establishment of industries with multiple benefits, will undoubtedly nailed the copin of the remnants of the PDP members who have been in coma since the conclusion of the local government Council elections.

It is imperative to once again emphasise the consistent call by Comrade Governor Nasir Idris to the people of Kebbi State to put aside the political, religious, and ethnic differences and join him in building Kebbi State. Let’s join and wholeheartedly support Gwandu-Tinubu Movement for Continuity (TKG), a Non-Governmental organisation formed by some people of like minds,under the chairmanship of Hon. Kabiru Labbo Jega, to promote and support the implementation of socio-economic and political development programmes and policies of Kebbi State.

Zuru is Special Adviser to Kebbi State Governor on Media and Communication Strategic.