THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Dhanya Prakash, a Plus One student of Durga Higher Secondary School, was at the Kalolsavam venue with her classmates and teachers to attend the Thiruvathira competition. Kalolsavam venue is not a new experience for Dhanya. She had participated in the State School Kalolsavam twice before.
But the difference is that she performed Kathakali then. She bagged first prize then. Dhanya said she is studying classical dance.
Dhanya, a student of Biology, wants to become a pilot. However, Dhanya clarified that she will continue her arts. When asked why she chose Thiruvathira instead of Kathakali this time, she replied that she wanted a variety.
However, Dhanya's father Prakash responded that the expenses of Kathakali are unaffordable. 'Kathakali is a very expensive event. Rs 1 to 1.
5 lakh is needed for Kathakali. Due to such huge expenses, many talented children are not choosing Kathakali,' said Dhanya's father Prakash. Dhanya is form Kanhangad in Kasaragod.
Dhanya's mother is Karthika and Amritha is her sister..
Dhanya, winner of Kathakali twice, chose Thiruvathira this time; reason is
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Dhanya Prakash, a Plus One student of Durga Higher Secondary School, was at the Kalolsavam venue with her classmates and teachers to attend the Thiruvathira competition. Kalolsavam venue is not a new experience for Dhanya.