In a significant breakthrough, Delhi Police have dismantled a gang orchestrating the illegal immigration of Bangladeshi citizens into India. The investigation led to the arrest of 11 individuals, five of whom are Bangladeshi nationals. The arrested group included individuals involved in forging documents to facilitate illegal entry.
This crackdown is part of a larger operation by Delhi authorities to identify and curb illegal immigration in the region. Authorities promise more details will emerge as the investigation unfolds, signaling an intensified focus on immigration violations within the national capital. (With inputs from agencies.
Delhi Police Busts Illegal Immigration Gang: 11 Arrested
Delhi Police Busts Illegal Immigration Gang: 11 Arrested In a significant breakthrough, Delhi Police have dismantled a gang orchestrating the illegal immigration of Bangladeshi citizens into India. The investigation led to the arrest of 11 individuals, five of whom are Bangladeshi nationals.The arrested group included individuals involved in forging documents to facilitate illegal entry. This crackdown is part of a larger operation by Delhi authorities to identify and curb illegal immigration in the region.Authorities promise more details will emerge as the investigation unfolds, signaling an intensified focus on immigration violations within the national capital.