Defiant senator faces Labor blowback over Palestine

Outspoken Labor senator Fatima Payman has urged the party to embrace a diversity of views, declaring she would cross the floor again on Palestinian statehood.


Labor senator Fatima Payman says she has received overwhelming voter support for her defiance over Palestine despite being given the cold shoulder by some colleagues. Senator Payman has been barred from a Labor caucus meeting after crossing the floor to support a Greens motion supporting Palestinian statehood. The first-term senator says she will not quit the party but is refusing to back down regardless of the consequences.

"If the same motion on recognising the state of Palestine was to be brought forward tomorrow, I would (cross the floor again)," Senator Payman said on ABC Insiders on Sunday. Journalism for the curious Australian across politics, business, culture and opinion. "Obviously, the prime minister had a stern but fair conversation with me a few days ago.

And I understand that he's got very important decisions to make as the leader of our nation. "When I made the decision on the Senate floor to cross, I did it with the understanding that this could lead to expulsion and costing my Labor membership." Tensions have been stoked by the images of war in the Gaza Strip following the Hamas attack on Israel, and the senator's rhetoric has been seen by some as inflaming the debate.

"This is about 40,000 Palestinians that have been massacred and slaughtered since (October 7)," Senator Payman said. "I know that Australians are fair people. And knowing the Labor party, we are a party with a conscience and champions of human rights .

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