Debate: Is scrolling dating apps while committed considered cheating?

Newstalk ZB host Matt Heath responds to a Herald article about a husband's 'cheating'.


A Herald article told one woman’s story of discovering her husband was using dating apps. She thought it was cheating, he claimed it was harmless. Newstalk ZB hosts Matt Heath and Tyler Adams discussed the story on their Afternoons show, asking readers for their thoughts on the issue The consensus: if you’re worried your partner might find out, it’s likely wrong.

Is it cheating on your partner if you scroll through dating apps but don’t go on dates? I asked my Newstalk ZB listeners this question, and the phone lines and text machine blew up. Turns out it’s a contentious and complicated issue. As you would expect, this kind of behaviour happens a lot.

Most famously, British singer Lily Allen allegedly discovered her husband, actor David Harbour, running an active account on a dating app . Recently a UK woman going by the name Kate from the Cotswolds told a similar story . She had been married to Tim for 18 years, and they had four children.

One night, he fell asleep on the couch with his phone on, and she saw a woman on the screen but didn’t think much of it. She didn’t want to spy..