Death warmed over: Trump vs. Biden is frighteningly predictable

Biden, delivering an uncharismatic performance, summoned more policy answers than the inflammatory Trump


-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email No pleasantries as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump skipped a traditional handshake, beginning the debate with a discussion of inflation, as opening statements were not an option. Hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash of CNN went straight into questions, asking Biden what he would say to Americans who felt worse off under his presidency financially, despite rising wages. “We had an economy that was in free-fall,” Biden said.

“It was terrible. What we had to do was try to put things back together again.” Biden laid out his plan to build new housing and cut costs for Americans in a second term after overseeing a period of intense inflation, stumbling over his words before allowing Trump a chance to rebut.

“We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have never done so well . .

. The only jobs he created were for illegal immigrants, and ‘bounceback jobs’,” Trump said of the more than 15 million jobs created during the Biden administration. Related So they had a debate in the UK: Better or worse than ours? Actually, both Turning the discussion to the national debt, Tapper asked the former president about his plan to add a 10% tariff to consumer goods, with Trump claiming that the move wouldn't raise prices, despite economic data suggesting otherwise.

He attacked inflation under Biden instead, despite his inflationary plan. “We’re like a third world nation, between going after his politica.