Data center project plan public hearings rescheduled

Public hearing dates for the proposed data center complex have changed.


Public hearing dates for the proposed data center complex have changed. “If you’ve been following our data center project, you’ll have noticed that our public hearings for that project have been shuffled around quite a bit, unfortunately due to some publication snafus and needing to get notice out there correctly,” said Mayor Will Joyce on Monday at City Council. The current dates for the next public hearings will be Oct.

7 and Nov. 4 at regular city council meetings scheduled for those evenings. The third and last public hearing is the evening before Stillwater needs to vote on a franchise that could affect the project.

City Council has passed an ordinance to grant Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company a franchise to serve Kipper LLC with members voting to authorize a special election scheduled for Nov. 5 to allow Stillwater residents to vote for or against that franchise. Joyce said members of the public were encouraged to send emails to city council members with any questions they may have.

If the process is finalized and voters allow for a franchise to be given to OG&E for the data center complex in November, it would pave the way for a six-phase data center complex to be built with the minimum amount of investment per phase of $500 million. More information on the data center project plan is available from the city, by going to www.stillwaterok.

gov/datacenterprojectplan where a draft plan is published, along with the notice for required public hearings..