DAR urges observance of US Constitution Week

Sept. 17 marks the 237th anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States by the Constitution Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Hickory Tavern Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, along with Newton Mayor Jerry T. Hodge and Conover Mayor Kyle Hayman, are encouraging people to join in a celebration of United States Constitution Week Sept. 17-23.

According to a news release from the Hickory Tavern Chapter DAR, Sept. 17 marks the 237th anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States by the Constitution Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hodge The national, state and local society Daughters of the American Revolution urges all Americans to reflect on and honor the United States Constitution during this week.

This annual observance has been in place since 1955. According to the DAR, Constitution Week “is an annual commemoration of the living document that upholds and protects the freedoms central to our American way of life and should be appreciated and recognized as a foundation of United States Democracy and Freedom.” The celebration’s goals are threefold: Hayman Encourage the study of the historical events that led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787; Remind the public that the Constitution is the basis of America’s great heritage and the foundation for its way of life; Emphasize U.

S. citizens’ responsibility to protect, defend and preserve the U.S.

Constitution. For additional information about national DAR and its relevant mission, visit www.dar.

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