Dana Loesch Has Simple Response to The Hill Beginning to Bang Lockdown Drums Again


Our very own Brett c overed this earlier, but let's face it, dear reader, you knew it was coming. As we approach the fall, the media is starting to spin up hysteria over everything from West Nile to Monkey Pox, but those weren't sticking. So the Hill has started banging an old drum again.

That's right, folks. The Hil is suggesting that lockdown protocols for COVID-19 need to be reinstated. No way in hell.

https://t.co/i7jIdFUTsx Syndicated radio host and all-around Conservative badass Dana Loesch is having none of it, though, and this writer doesn't think you should either. pic.

twitter.com/6AZ0AYOXZF The good news? It seems many folks are on the same page this time. No more snake oil salesmen.

pic.twitter.com/E2El4ZY6JI Hey! That's an insult to actual snake oil salesmen.

Oh, hell no! Do not comply! All of you are giving off a particular vibe here. Yup, that's the one. DO NOT COMPLY.

pic.twitter.com/jZS8mXo9Sa Nah.

Been on that trip once and ain't going back. Buncha rebels on X these days, huh? Just for fun, we peaked into the thread Dana quoted whew boy! pic.twitter.

com/qB4j4hONyx No. Vaccines are available for those who choose to take them. They can wear masks if they wish.

Stop the BS about "pandemic measures". We will not comply. Hey MSM, it looks like the fear porn isn't working this time, just sayin' Yea sorry, we're not doing that again, hard pass.

pic.twitter.com/6hVAJknKLy There’s not a chance in hell American citizens will lockdown ever again.

We’re done with the bull crap and this nonsense for a virus with 99% survival rate for the healthy! pic.twitter.com/wmSVm7bL5t Dear establishment media, it appears the average American has a message for you; this writer would suggest you heed it.

This worked once out of fear, no more, no less. The masks have come off, and people see the truth about who you are and who you serve now. The fourth estate became the fifth column somewhere along the way, and America sees you now.

This writer humbly suggests a long, hard look in the mirror and, hopefully, time to reflect upon why all of you got into this business in the first place. In this writer's opinion, all of you have lost the plot and should be shown the doors of your respective organizations for the final time. As for the rest of you rebels, keep the faith.

Until next time, dear reader.