General Daily Insight for March 13, 2025Our sense of excitement gets tempered by the need to take things slowly. The Moon is in methodical Virgo, where it begins the day with a square to Jupiter, giving us a heaping dose of enthusiasm, before it then sextiles Mars, turning things up even higher. However, we may hit a barrier when the Moon opposes Saturn in Pisces at 11:40 pm EDT, forcing us to ease up on the gas and move with much more care.
Our intuition can reveal the solutions.AriesMarch 21 – April 19Your most efficient urges may not be enough. The Moon is marching through your 6th House of Practicality, priming you to plow through the tasks at hand even as its opposition to Saturn in your 12th House of the Subconscious leaves you uncertain of how to proceed realistically.
Maybe you feel like you don’t have the support you’re used to having, or as though you’re missing an important part of the puzzle. Don’t let this weigh you down. This is merely temporary.
TaurusApril 20 – May 20If you want to enjoy yourself, you may have to do it by yourself. A tough angle between the Moon in your 5th House of Frivolity and stoic Saturn in your collective 11th house could speedily set off conflict between what you want and what others want. People may have myriad expectations of you, and if you want to meet those expectations, then you might have to ignore your own needs.
You’re allowed to fly solo instead of following the herd.GeminiMay 21 – June 20You can only lay low for so long. It’s understandable if you want to keep quiet and not exert yourself while the Moon is in your cozy 4th house, putting you in the mood to nest.
Despite that, the lunar opposition to Saturn in your public-facing 10th house will likely demand that you get up off the couch and attend to your duties. That being said, if you roll up your sleeves and get to work, the results could be quite satisfying to behold.CancerJune 21 – July 22Today demands effort, but it should pay off handsomely.
You may have lots of ideas and plenty of possibilities to keep you busy while the Moon twirls through your busy 3rd house, but its debate with Saturn in your outgoing 9th house may cause some trouble for you. Where there was glorious potential, suddenly there will be every reason why you can’t do something, or each step seems more difficult than you originally thought. Pick your battles and your pursuits wisely.
LeoJuly 23 – August 22Don’t take on more than you can handle. A tense opposition between the Moon in your comfort-craving 2nd house and no-nonsense Saturn in your forceful 8th house is practically insisting that you handle any recent heavy issues when you’d rather take your time hanging back and smelling the roses. This shouldn’t occupy your whole day or completely derail your plans, but you would do well to avoid attempting to get too much done.
Focus on one single project, and stick to it.VirgoAugust 23 – September 22People could leave you high and dry today, even if they don’t mean to. There is a touch of cosmic conflict overhead as the Moon in your meticulous sign opposes icy Saturn in your relationship sector.
Their dust-up could leave you feeling like you don’t have any assistance you could normally rely upon. A partner of some kind could also tell you something you don’t want to hear or point out some holes in your otherwise flawless plans. Don’t be surprised by any hard truths.
LibraSeptember 23 – October 22Deal with one thing at a time. The Moon is sliding through your subtle 12th house, so it wouldn’t be shocking if you’re a little bit out of it or in the mood to keep a low profile. On the other hand, its demands of Saturn in your efficient 6th house could hand you an unexpected to-do list.
Only focus on the things you absolutely must do — attend to anything else another time, when you’re feeling more tuned in to the energy on offer.ScorpioOctober 23 – November 21Don’t let your personality get swallowed up by other people. You’re probably happy to go along to get along while the Moon is in your friendly 11th house, though Luna’s nudge to Saturn in your talented 5th house wants to ensure you remember what makes you special and unique.
Don’t sacrifice part of yourself or play it small just to keep from rocking the boat. You have a unique viewpoint that is worth sharing, so please, go on and share it.SagittariusNovember 22 – December 21You can only do so much in a day.
It makes perfect sense if you want to achieve a lot while the Moon is in your ambitious 10th house — just watch out for its clash with responsible Saturn in your 4th House of Service. Keep your eyes peeled for issues closer to home! For instance, a relative or roommate could need assistance, or maybe you’ll have to deal with some structural issue or other repair work. Firm up your foundations.
CapricornDecember 22 – January 19It’s not easy to see where you’re currently heading. You may have your sights set on all the possibilities available in the great wide world while the Moon tours your 9th House of Quests, but that energy hits a roadblock when the Moon locks into an opposition with cold Saturn in your 3rd House of Interruptions. Any exciting plans will likely get thrown off course with basic chores or a long to-do list.
Don’t attempt to cross mountains when you’re stuck on molehills.AquariusJanuary 20 – February 18Practice the art of detachment. The Moon in your 8th House of Joint Property is opposing Saturn in your 2nd House of Earnings, which can focus your attention firmly on what you don’t have and how badly you want it.
On the other hand, often the desire for something is so powerful simply because you don’t have it, and that desire will evaporate once you obtain it. Take time to remind yourself of that lesson before you end up bogged down by disappointment.PiscesFebruary 19 – March 20Avoid allowing other people’s expectations to overwhelm you.
The Moon in your partnership sector is opposing Saturn in your compassionate sign, which could leave you feeling as though you owe people something — or at least, they’re certainly acting as though you do. Make sure to create some personal division, and only offer up as much of yourself as you feel comfortable releasing. Keep a firm focus on your barriers, or else someone with less than perfect intentions might slip through.