Curry Family Books Charity Win

Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry gives back to the Oakland, California community.


On the day Stephen Curry signed his one-year, $62 million contract extension with the Golden State Warriors, his wife Ayesha planned a special announcement. The Curry's Eat.Read.

Play Foundation is pledging to raise and invest another $25 million in reading tutoring in Oakland schools over the next five years. Although Curry is a superstar in the NBA, he's also a life-changer on the golf course. The Warriors superstar is on record as saying that he'd like to go pro in golf once he retires from the NBA.

However, in the meantime, he'll stick to teaching the children of Oakland, California. Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports Curry is deviating from the usual basketball camps designed by NBA players.

Instead, he's blending reading and golf to create a foundation that will benefit children's education on and off the course. Golf is not historically a sport of vast diversity. However, Curry strives to increase the number of minorities in the golf world.

Embedding the children of Oakland into the typically privileged sport will plant seeds that hopefully bloom into some legitimate golfers. Curry spent Thursday teaching Oakland elementary school students to play golf as part of the Eat.Read.

Play. Foundation. Curry credited winning gold at the Paris Olympics as a key talking point for teaching the children.

"Me having fun going and winning a gold medal raised the platform to then be able to talk about stuff that matters even more," Curry said. Stephen and Ayesha's efforts are devoted to literacy programs that will provide one-on-one tutoring for children at least two grade levels behind in reading. Related: Stephen Curry 'Can Do No Wrong' Curry is a lifetime winner, and he's now using his successes in a plan to save the youth one page of data at a time.
