Curaleaf FY2024 EPS Raised by Alliance Global Partners

Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. (OTCMKTS:CURLF – Free Report) – Investment analysts at Alliance Global Partners boosted their FY2024 earnings estimates for shares of Curaleaf in a report issued on Thursday, November 7th. Alliance Global Partners analyst A. Grey now forecasts that the company will earn ($0.26) per share for the year, up from their prior estimate [...]


Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. ( OTCMKTS:CURLF – Free Report ) – Investment analysts at Alliance Global Partners boosted their FY2024 earnings estimates for shares of Curaleaf in a report issued on Thursday, November 7th. Alliance Global Partners analyst A.

Grey now forecasts that the company will earn ($0.26) per share for the year, up from their prior estimate of ($0.27).

The consensus estimate for Curaleaf’s current full-year earnings is ($0.25) per share. Alliance Global Partners also issued estimates for Curaleaf’s Q4 2024 earnings at ($0.

08) EPS, Q1 2025 earnings at ($0.07) EPS, Q2 2025 earnings at ($0.06) EPS, Q3 2025 earnings at ($0.

06) EPS, Q4 2025 earnings at ($0.06) EPS and FY2025 earnings at ($0.25) EPS.

Other analysts have also issued research reports about the stock. Needham & Company LLC reaffirmed a “buy” rating and set a $6.25 target price on shares of Curaleaf in a report on Thursday, August 8th.

Cormark lowered Curaleaf from a “moderate buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Thursday, November 7th. Curaleaf Stock Up 22.9 % Shares of OTCMKTS:CURLF opened at $2.

04 on Monday. The company has a 50 day moving average of $2.93 and a 200-day moving average of $3.

75. Curaleaf has a one year low of $1.64 and a one year high of $6.

40. The stock has a market cap of $1.33 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of -7.

03 and a beta of 0.86. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.

83, a current ratio of 1.09 and a quick ratio of 0.50.

About Curaleaf ( Get Free Report ) Curaleaf Holdings, Inc operates a cannabis operator in the United States. It operates through two segments, Domestic Operations and International Operations. The company offers flower, pre-rolls, flower pots, and dry-herb vaporizer cartridges; concentrates for vaporizing which includes pre-filled vaporizer cartridges and disposable vaporizer pens; and concentrates for dabbing, such as mints, distillate droppers, mints, topical balms and lotions, tinctures, lozenges, capsules, and edibles.

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