Creo Medical Group (LON:CREO) Trading 14.7% Higher – Here’s Why

Creo Medical Group PLC (LON:CREO – Get Free Report) traded up 14.7% during trading on Friday . The company traded as high as GBX 20 ($0.25) and last traded at GBX 19.50 ($0.25). 1,732,157 shares were traded during trading, an increase of 139% from the average session volume of 723,984 shares. The stock had previously [...]


Creo Medical Group PLC ( LON:CREO – Get Free Report ) traded up 14.7% during trading on Friday . The company traded as high as GBX 20 ($0.

25) and last traded at GBX 19.50 ($0.25).

1,732,157 shares were traded during trading, an increase of 139% from the average session volume of 723,984 shares. The stock had previously closed at GBX 17 ($0.21).

Creo Medical Group Stock Performance The stock has a fifty day moving average price of GBX 17.83 and a 200 day moving average price of GBX 25.98.

The company has a current ratio of 3.24, a quick ratio of 2.19 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 29.

96. The firm has a market cap of £70.55 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -325.

00 and a beta of 0.86. Insider Buying and Selling at Creo Medical Group In other Creo Medical Group news, insider Richard John Rees acquired 98,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, October 24th.

The stock was acquired at an average price of GBX 20 ($0.25) per share, with a total value of £19,600 ($24,632.40).

Also, insider Kevin Crofton bought 2,916,666 shares of the stock in a transaction on Monday, October 21st. The stock was acquired at an average cost of GBX 24 ($0.30) per share, for a total transaction of £699,999.

84 ($879,728.34). Insiders have purchased a total of 4,193,666 shares of company stock worth $92,002,984 over the last 90 days.

Insiders own 22.43% of the company’s stock. Creo Medical Group Company Profile Creo Medical Group PLC, through its subsidiaries, researches, develops, manufactures, and sells medical devices and instruments in the United Kingdom.

It is developing CROMA, an energy platform that combines bipolar radiofrequency for precise localized cutting and microwave energy for controlled coagulation, to provide physicians with flexible, accurate, and highly controllable devices delivered through a flexible endoscope. Read More Receive News & Ratings for Creo Medical Group Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Creo Medical Group and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .
