Married couple Peter Dixon and Joey Clarkson, who live in Waytown, were approached by a production team from BBC One's popular rural property show Escape to the Country . The pair, an artist and musician respectively, were interviewed about moving from their London flat to the Bridport area, which they told the show has improved their work and life balance. During the programme, glimpses were seen of their 18th century cottage and their large garden space, which will be used to build a new art studio for budding artists.
READ MORE: Artist plans new studio to support fellow Bridport creatives This opportunity came as a big surprise to the couple, who were away on holiday at the time. Peter Dixon in his garden building an art studio (Image: Peter Dixon) Joey said: "We had to make a split decision to cut our trip short and travel back as we weren't going to miss this great opportunity. "We jumped on a plane and came straight back home.
" Peter, 36, is originally from the Waytown area however moved when he served in the army for ten years. He eventually decided to pursue art full time and became self-employed after his 2023 painting challenge garnered him a social media following. Peter Dixon looking at his paintings for the art challenge (Image: Peter Dixon) His work has since garnered local and international attraction, having exhibited it at a prestigious art gallery in Italy.
READ MORE: Peter Dixon's Dorset paintings on display at La Storta Gallery Having missed the country way of life, Peter then moved back to Waytown with his partner Joey, also 36, who he married in 2017. Peter Dixon's paintings at La Storta Gallery in Venice (Image: Peter Dixon) He said: "Being away made me realise how much I’d take Bridport for granted. When I moved away to the city.
"I realised my home is the countryside, ocean, trees and being surrounded by greenery. I always fancied moving back." Joey, who is originally from Vancouver Island, Canada, also fell in love with the local area.
She added: "We love it down here. It’s nice to be surrounded by so much green space. We see so many stars in the night sky much more than I did in Canada where I grew up.
It’s so stunning." The couple first met in 2012, while Joey was touring the UK as a musician. Three years later, their paths crossed once again while queuing outside Beach and Barnicott - a Bridport pub which used to run on South Street - on Christmas Eve.
A year later, they were engaged. Peter Dixon and his wife Joey's wedding picture (Image: Peter Dixon) To tie in with their recent TV appearance, the couple have released a debut single 'Little Problems' under their band name Half a Chance. The song is a personal for the musical duo as it addresses their struggles with fertility and the problematic social discourse surrounding it.
Joey Clarkson and Peter Dixon, band publicity photo (Image: Katie Clarkson of Clarkson Photography) Joey said: "It was a therapeutic exercise in the midst of a brutal year for my physical and mental health. The song fell out quickly, and so did my tears. "This song is for anyone who's ever felt like they were stripped of their own right to share information about their fertility or family planning on their own terms.
" You can watch the couple's episode by searching for Escape to the Country on BBC iPlayer. They feature on season 25 episode 15..
Creative couple share love of Dorset on hit TV property show
An artistic couple are proud to showcase the "stunning" scenes of west Dorset after being chosen to appear on BBC's Escape to the Country.