Covered California has reached record-high enrollment levels, but it still hopes to reach uninsured or underinsured people throughout the state. The cost-sharing health insurance program has surpassed 1.8 million enrollees, reaching its record-high enrollment ahead of its first open enrollment deadline on Dec.
31. Nearly half of the new enrollees have come from four Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties with 68,095 sign-ups. 143,686 Californians have signed up for 2025 coverage as of Dec.
14, a 3% increase over the same period last year, the health insurance marketplace said. Another 1,647,162 Californians have renewed their coverage so far, a 4% increase over the same period last year. “We have a record 1.
8 million Californians already enrolled for 2025 coverage, but history teaches us the next week will be our busiest for new signups,” Covered California’s executive director, Jessica Altman, said in a statement. “We want to make sure every uninsured Californian understands that the most financial assistance ever offered through the Affordable Care Act is available here in California for 2025.” We have launched our year-end campaign.
Our goal: Raise $50,000 by Dec. 31. Help us get there.
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Covered California has lowered out-of-pocket costs for health care, building on existing federal subsidies to help pay for health insurance premiums and getting rid of deductibles entirely in all three Silver cost-sharing reduction plans. However, data indicates that nearly 1.3 million Californians who either qualify for subsidies through Covered California or are eligible for Medi-Cal coverage remain uninsured.
Consumers can learn more about their options by visiting , where they can easily find out if they qualify for financial help and see the coverage options in their area. Those interested in learning more about their coverage options can also call (800) 300-1506.
Californians who forgo health coverage will be subject to a tax penalty from the State Franchise Tax Board . The penalty for not having coverage the entire year will be at least $900 per adult and $450 per dependent child under 18 in the household. Open enrollment ends Jan.
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Covered California Hits Record Enrollment Numbers, But Hopes for More By Dec. 31
Covered California has lowered out-of-pocket costs for health care, building on existing federal subsidies to help pay for health insurance premiums and getting rid of deductibles entirely in all three Silver cost-sharing reduction plans.