Could Joe Walsh Sink Any Lower?


This writer usually avoids articles about the long show posts ending in 'show more,' but since the most important part is within the available post, an exception has been made. This isn’t easy to write, but it needs to be written. The sad truth is this: It’s not at all surprising that someone would try to kill him.

I mean, think about it. Every day for 9yrs, he’s spewed hate, spread division, and incited violence like no other. Every day.

Ever since he...

The man once quoted as saying he would march on DC if Trump lost has continued to spiral out of control and has now taken to victim shaming. Her skirt was too short, Joe. She should expect what she gets.

#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder “She shouldn’t have worn a tight dress every day if she didn’t want to get raped.”- Joe Walsh (allegedly) “if she wasn’t dressed like that she wouldn’t have been raped” I’ll tell Trump to stop wearing such a short skirt and button that top button. @JoeWalsh thinks that when women are abused, it's their own fault.

All of This THIS is your party. THESE are YOUR people. OWN them. *Live shot of Joe RN:* I always think it’s very ironic when I read a post like this complaining that Donald Trump represents hate. You guys hate him more than I’ve ever seen someone hated.

The day after another assassination attempt, and this is your take – because you hate him. Well, to be fair, rational thought and Ole Joe haven't been on speaking terms in about six years now. If you don’t find attempted murder surprising, that says a lot more about you than it does about Trump.

I think you’ve missed the 9 years of hate and lies the left has told the public about him which is far more likely to be the root cause of these attempts on his life. He hasn't missed anything. He's been adding to it and profiting from it.

He no longer finds it surprising or cares because the Left has been demonizing and dehumanizing his former compatriots so severely that he now sees them as the enemy and the openly blatant communists as the saviors of DeMoCraCy. It’s claptrap like this that has put him in the crosshairs. You’re such a propagandist.

Luckily, he only has one voice and one vote. In a few short weeks, the choice will be yours, dear reader. The choice is plain for some, especially since this is now the third failed plot and a second failed attempt in a little over two months.

Our elections should be decided at the ballot box and not at the end of a gun. If you feel we are on the correct course, vote accordingly. If you feel we are not on the right course, vote accordingly.

For those who will always choose freedom: Remember,remember the 5th of November..