Cost-of-living crisis: 21 ways even the rich are feeling it – Kim Knight

OPINION: Nobody is immune to rising prices. A humorous look at a humourless situation.


OPINION/HUMOUR Nobody is immune to the rising price of everything. Lifestyle journalist Kim Knight takes a humorous look at a completely humourless situation. Overheard at the hairdressers: “Oh, it’s just a little dinner party.

We’ve hired someone to make cocktails and [insert food influencer du jour] is coming in to do the food. Six courses. Who can afford to go out anymore?!” Who indeed? Recently, a colleague sent me a photograph of a Ponsonby Rd crudité platter.

It appeared to consist of three radishes, four rounds of carrot, one-quarter of a stick of sliced celery and six leaves of radicchio. It came with a tablespoon of macadamia dip and a $26 price tag..