A controversial incident unfolded in Budhana town when a group of landowners allegedly demolished an old 'mazaar' (shrine), prompting local authorities to take swift action. The demolition led to the registration of an FIR, as law enforcement began an investigation, an official reported on Tuesday. Named among the accused are Gulzar Uddin, a resident of Chhota Bazaar, his brothers Aghan and Ameer Zia, along with 10 to 15 others.
Budhana Circle Officer Gajendra Pal Singh stated that the police have initiated legal proceedings based on allegations from a local resident. The complaint, filed by Pavnesh Kumar, claims that the shrine, located near a vegetable market on Budhana-Kandhla Road and dedicated to a saint, was vandalized. In response, Singh emphasized the commitment to a comprehensive investigation, vowing appropriate action against any individuals found culpable as per the law.
(With inputs from agencies.).
Controversy Erupts Over Demolition of Budhana Shrine
Controversy Erupts Over Demolition of Budhana Shrine A controversial incident unfolded in Budhana town when a group of landowners allegedly demolished an old 'mazaar' (shrine), prompting local authorities to take swift action. The demolition led to the registration of an FIR, as law enforcement began an investigation, an official reported on Tuesday.Named among the accused are Gulzar Uddin, a resident of Chhota Bazaar, his brothers Aghan and Ameer Zia, along with 10 to 15 others. Budhana Circle Officer Gajendra Pal Singh stated that the police have initiated legal proceedings based on allegations from a local resident.The complaint, filed by Pavnesh Kumar, claims that the shrine, located near a vegetable market on Budhana-Kandhla Road and dedicated to a saint, was vandalized. In response, Singh emphasized the commitment to a comprehensive investigation, vowing appropriate action against any individuals found culpable as per the law.