Coast road to close to through traffic

Works are being carried out on a rolling basis, starting in Maughold and heading south


The coast road between Ramsey and Onchan will be closed for through traffic during daytime hours next week while new road studs are installed. Through traffic on the A2 will be diverted onto the Mountain Road between 9.30am and 4.

30pm. Work will begin on Tuesday (February 18) and could last until March 7. Manx Rock Ltd has been appointed by the Department of Infrastructure to remove old cats’ eyes and install new centre-line reflective road studs.

The DoI says the cats’ eyes are generally in poor condition and have become ineffective with time. Road studs will be installed along parts of the carriageway that are outside locations with 20mph or 30mph speed limits. Works are being carried out on a rolling basis, initially starting in Maughold and working southwards.

Access to properties will be maintained but short delays may be experienced. Scheduled bus services, including school and Connectvillages minibus services will be allowed through the works. There will be additional traffic management arrangements on the approach to the works, within the closure.

In the event that the Mountain Road has to close, work on the Coast Road will be suspended and it will be reopened to through traffic. On Tuesday, Manx Rock will start work on the stretch of road between Ballure and the Dreemskerry Road junction. The team will firstly remove cats eyes and then reinstate the highway, before later installing the new road studs.

This first section is expected to take two days to complete. The temporary road closure order allows daytime road closures on weekdays up to and including Friday March 7. There is flexibility in the works schedule to allow for weather delays.
