Closure order extended on nuisance property

A Wigan Borough property that had become a frequent site for anti-social and criminal incidents has been given an additional three-month closure order.


The order, initially put in place in May for 12 Heron Place, Wigan, was extended for a further three months by Wigan Magistrates Court. The action means only the named tenants, council officers and the emergency services are permitted to enter the property, with the aim of stopping criminality taking place at the property. Councillor Dane Anderton, cabinet portfolio holder for police, crime and civil contingencies, said: “This type of action is a last resort, but when behaviour and criminal activity is having a detrimental impact on the local community, it will not be tolerated and we will take the necessary steps.

“This extension will hopefully bring some reassurance in the local area, but we would like to emphasise that the council will now continue to assess its options for this site, including consideration of a full possession order.” Should an application be made to court and a Possession Order granted, the tenant will be evicted allowing the property to be re-let to another family. The closure orders are a part of Wigan Borough’s Community Safety Partnership work, which sees Wigan Council team up with Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and other partners to tackle issues of concern voiced by the community.

Coun Anderton added: “I would like to commend the work of the Community Resilience Team and reassure residents in the neighbouring area that we will do everything within our power, working alongside our partners at Greater Manchester Police, to promote safe and resilient communities.”.