Chris Evans, known for his role as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is reportedly set to make a surprise appearance in the upcoming blockbuster Avengers: Doomsday slated for 2026. The 43 year old actor, who also recently appeared as Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch, in Deadpool and Wolverine , will be returning to the MCU "in some capacity," according to TheWrap. However, it remains unclear which character he will portray in Doomsday.
If the reports are accurate, Evans will reunite with former Avengers co-star Robert Downey Jr., who is set to play the villain Doctor Doom in the new film. Stars turn out for Deadpool & Wolverine premiere in NYC as Blake Lively and Gigi Hadid stun at event Marvel fans are divided as Robert Downey Jr.
returns to franchise in unexpected way Downey Jr, who led the MCU from its inception with 2008’s Iron Man until Avengers: Endgame 11 years later, was revealed to be returning to the franchise at this year’s San Diego Comic Con in July. He shared how Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige pitched the role of Doctor Doom to him and his wife Susan Downey. During his time on The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter’ podcast, he shared an intriguing conversation: "Susan and I were sitting down with Feige at one point, and he said, 'It just keeps occurring to me that, if you were to come back.
..’ And Susan was like, ‘Wait, wait, come back as what? ’" "And then we both realized, over time, that it was another thing that just disproves any doubt anyone could ever have about that guy.
" "[Feige is] a very sophisticated, creative thinker about, ‘How can we not go backwards? How can we not disappoint expectations? How can we continue to beat expectations? ’" "And he brought up Victor von Doom, and I looked into [the] character, and I was like, ‘Wow. ’ And later on, he goes, ‘Let's get Victor von Doom right. Let's get that right.
'" Post-Sherlock Holmes, Downey Jr. made clear his interest in the role of the villain, prompting a meeting with Disney CEO Bob Iger at his home to discuss the concept, where Iger expressed enthusiasm: "So then I said to Kevin, ‘Can I go talk to Bob Iger?’ He goes, ‘About?’ I go, ‘About everything.’" "We go to Iger’s pad, and we sit down and start saying, ‘I just really want to be.
..’ He goes, ‘I like it.
’ I was like, ‘He likes it.’" Anthony Mackie is expected to suit up as Captain America in Doomsday after premiering in 2025’s Captain America: Brave New World..
Chris Evans 'set to make shock return to Avengers' after Robert Downey Jr. feud
Chris Evans is reportedly set to make a surprise return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2026's Avengers: Doomsday