Chilkur priest attends Milad blood donation camp in a mosque for child cancer patients

In a rare gesture of fostering communal harmony and sending a positive message of inter faith brotherhood, Chilkur Balaji temple head priest C.S.Rangarajan along with the temple staff participated in ...


In a rare gesture of fostering communal harmony and sending a positive message of inter faith brotherhood, Chilkur Balaji temple head priest C.S.Rangarajan along with the temple staff participated in a blood donation drive organized by the Helping Hand Foundation at Masjid-E-Muhammed Hussain in Rajendranagar on the occasion of (adsbygoogle = window.

adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Milad Un Nabi. The blood donation drive was organized to mobilize blood for children suffering from cancer at State MNJ Cancer Hospital.

As per data from MNJ Cancer Hospital nearly 100 units of blood are required in the hospital daily, where nearly 2,500 major and 4,000 minor surgeries are done in a year.