Chariot Limited ( LON:CHAR – Get Free Report )’s share price dropped 6.4% during trading on Thursday . The stock traded as low as GBX 1.
88 ($0.02) and last traded at GBX 1.88 ($0.
02). Approximately 306,552 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 96% from the average daily volume of 7,696,030 shares. The stock had previously closed at GBX 2.
01 ($0.02). Chariot Stock Performance The firm has a market cap of £22.
42 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -95.00 and a beta of 0.48.
The stock’s fifty day moving average is GBX 2.01 and its two-hundred day moving average is GBX 4.21.
The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.00, a quick ratio of 3.74 and a current ratio of 1.
00. Insider Activity In related news, insider Andrew R. Hockey bought 105,386 shares of the stock in a transaction on Tuesday, November 5th.
The shares were purchased at an average price of GBX 2 ($0.02) per share, with a total value of £2,107.72 ($2,618.
29). Corporate insiders own 17.54% of the company’s stock.
About Chariot Chariot is an African focused transitional energy group with two business streams, Transitional Gas and Transitional Power. Chariot Transitional Gas is focussed on a high value, low risk gas development project offshore Morocco with strong ESG credentials in a fast-growing emerging economy with a clear route to early monetisation, delivery of free cashflow and material exploration upside. Featured Articles Receive News & Ratings for Chariot Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Chariot and related companies with MarketBeat.
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Chariot (LON:CHAR) Stock Price Down 6.4% – Here’s Why
Chariot Limited (LON:CHAR – Get Free Report)’s share price dropped 6.4% during trading on Thursday . The stock traded as low as GBX 1.88 ($0.02) and last traded at GBX 1.88 ($0.02). Approximately 306,552 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 96% from the average daily volume of 7,696,030 shares. The stock had previously [...]