Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council issues warning after increased dog fouling on playing pitches

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has reminded dog owners to act responsibly and clean up after their pets, following an increase in fouling on playing fields.


Council say that cleansing operatives have noted an increase in dog fouling at Roe Mill Playing Fields in Limavady . This area is a popular and well used space for families, sports teams and dog owners alike, providing a valuable community resource. Keeping it clean and safe ensures that everyone can continue to enjoy it.

Advertisement Advertisement A dog owner is committing an offence, under The Fouling of Lands by Dogs ( Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council) Order 2018, if they fail to clean up after their dog. All dog foul should be lifted immediately and disposed of in any public litter bin. The fixed penalty for dog fouling offences has recently increased to £200 and the available fine in court is £1000.

Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to NorthernIrelandWorld, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to you. Council officers will be patrolling the Borough to enforce this legislation and will take a zero-tolerance approach to fouling. Offenders will receive a Fixed Penalty Notice and failure to pay will result in prosecution.

Causeway Coast and Glens Council has also reminded the public that they can provide witness statements about incidents of dog fouling that they observe. These can be used to serve Fixed Penalty Notices and prosecute offenders. Advertisement Advertisement Dog owners need to be responsible – dog foul left in our public places is unsightly and presents a risk to public health.

Toxocara canis is the common roundworm of the dog and its eggs are present in the faeces of dogs which have not been wormed. If a person comes into contact with contaminated faeces and infected eggs, usually through swallowing, there is a slight possibility of an illness referred to as toxocariasis. Symptoms may include a cough, a fever, headaches and stomach pain.

In rare cases the roundworm larvae may travel to organs in the body including the liver, lungs brain and eyes. To report a dog fouling incident in your area of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough, please contact Environmental Services Department on 028 2766 0200 or email [email protected] . Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to NorthernIrelandWorld, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to you.
