Carbon tax front and centre during first question period of fall session


OTTAWA — Canada’s beleaguered carbon tax took centre stage during the first question period of the fall session. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre wasted no time in listing the government’s recent stumbles, describing the contentious tax as a “fraud” perpetrated by both the Liberals and the NDP. “Children are hungrier than ever after nine years of the NDP-Liberals, 25% of them aren’t getting enough food and we now know why,” Poilievre said in the House of Commons on Monday.

“A carbon tax fraud has been perpetrated by this NDP-Liberal prime minister who kept secret Environment Canada documents which showed the carbon tax was blowing a $25-billion hole in our economy.” Canada’s economy, Poilievre maintained, is smaller than it was when Trudeau first took office nearly a decade ago, while south of the border the U.S.

economy has grown by 19%. “Instead of a reckless plan to hike the tax to 61 cents per litre, why not allow Canadians to vote to axe the tax?” This month’s unceremonious end to the supply and confidence agreement that saw the NDP agree to prop-up the minority Liberals opened new speculation of an election happening sooner rather than later and prompted Poilievre to goad NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh to help topple the government and trigger a carbon tax-centred election. In response, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said fighting climate change costs money.

“Here’s a news flash for the Conservative leader — climate change costs money,” he said. “And what would cost the most money to Canadians is his ‘do nothing’ climate plan.” Trudeau then listed recent meteorological events — including Toronto’s recent heavy rainfall and Canada’s normal wildfire season — as reasons why Canada needs a carbon tax.

“Mr. Speaker, the prime minister just proved my point: His tax doesn’t stop floods, fires or droughts, all it does is create more poverty,” Poilievre replied. “This also from a high-flying, high-taxing, high-carbon hypocrite who flew 92,000 km.

in a fuel-guzzling, tax-funded private jet while he taxes single moms and seniors for heating their homes.” [email protected] X: @bryanpassifiume.