Car repairs garage to be demolished with bungalows built in its place

Proposals were first submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council planning department last year for the Glenesk Garage site off Stockton Road


Plans to demolish a vehicle repairs garage and build a cluster of bungalows in its place have been approved. Proposals were first submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council planning department last year for the Glenesk Garage site off Stockton Road. The outline application from Mr Ian Wood will see all existing buildings at the site knocked down and three dormer bungalows built on the land.

They will each have two bedrooms and be accessed off Yarm Close, with each property having two parking spaces, including a garage. The application went before the latest meeting of the local authority's planning committee where it was unanimously approved by councillors, in line with recommendations from officers. Councillor Moss Boddy, who sits on the committee, said: "In a sense it's normalising the situation, bringing a residential area back to being a residential area.

" The approval is subject to the completion of a legal agreement securing £7,000 in planning contributions towards green infrastructure/footpath links near the site. A representative on behalf of the applicant speaking at the meeting highlighted how the proposal will "not result in any significant loss" to the area. He added: "We believe the proposal provides an attractive residential development that would benefit the area without any unacceptable impacts on the character of the surroundings.

" The initial application sought to provide four bungalows at the site, before being revised to bring forward just three properties. Six responses were received by the council over the plans from residents and although no objections were received some "concerns" were raised, including about traffic during construction and demolition and the impact of the work. Final details around appearance, scale and landscaping will be laid out in a subsequent reserved matters application.

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