Campaign Official Tells Axios Kamala Harris No Longer Wants to Ban Plastic Straws


Earlier Saturday, we did a post on Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris' "potential cyber agenda." There wasn't any information from the Harris campaign about cyber security; Axios reported that we could read the tea leaves from her track record. Or she could hold a press conference to talk about it or put up something policy-related on her website.

Something we've been careful to note on all of these posts about Kamala Harris flip-flopping on all of her positions from her 2020 presidential run is that the 180-degree changes in policy always come from a campaign spokesman and never from Harris herself. For example, Axios reports that a campaign official to them that she no longer supports a ban on plastic straws. Then Axios just acted as transcribers for her campaign: "She doesn't support banning plastic straws," a campaign official told Axios.

"She cast the tie-breaking vote on the most consequential legislation to combat climate change and create clean energy jobs in history, and as President, she is going to be focused on expanding on that progress." The most consequential climate change legislation in history? Do you mean the Inflation Reduction Act? Harris abandons 2019 pledge to ban plastic straws Her values haven't changed.

She's still 100 percent in support of the Green New Deal, but plastic straws can stay if the voters like them. So..

. She's abandoning everything she believes in because normal Americans think her ideas are insane. And she knows it.

Fascinating. "Harris abandons all the unpopular views she once had." - @TheBabylonBee She’s going to say she’s going to get rid of the Dept of Education next.

Did she say this or is this just coming from her minions...


. Makes it easier to flop back after, either way the election goes..

. It's coming from her minions. CNN's Dana Bash did ask her about her about-face on fracking, to which Harris replied that her values haven't changed.

Soon, she will endorse Trump. Does anyone believe that a staffer's leak on background is a valid way to announce new campaign positions? Your job isn't to run her campaign. No she hasn’t.

She just wants to win an election so she is lying Did she or an aide say it? Harris has unburdened herself from her previous positions and is only looking forward. @NoahCRothman “Harris” has said/done no such thing. An anonymous (don’t you get anyone on the record anymore?) staffer said something.

Go ask KAMALA what her stance is, and if it differs from 2019, why? It's not true until she comes out & actually says this & takes questions on her "abandonment" of banning plastic straws. Otherwise it's just fake news & @axios is just liberal democrat propagandists. Video of Kamala saying it or it never happened.

Why is it so hard to get Harris on video explaining the changes to all of her previous policies? Instead, we get reports on what spices she bought . ***.