Cabinet approves special energy bills to respond to soaring energy demand

The Cabinet on Tuesday approved a set of special bills aimed at promoting Korean nuclear power plant and renewable energy industries amid increasing demand for electricity sparked by climate change and an artificial intelligence (AI) boom, the government said.


Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in South Jeolla Province / Courtesy of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power The Cabinet on Tuesday approved a set of special bills aimed at promoting Korean nuclear power plant and renewable energy industries amid increasing demand for electricity sparked by climate change and an artificial intelligence (AI) boom, the government said. The bills are special acts on the management of high-level radioactive waste, expansion of power grid and fostering the growth of the offshore wind power industry, according to the government. The bills will take effect six months after they are officially proclaimed.

Under the special act on the high-level radioactive waste management, the government plans to construct temporary storage facilities for such wastes by 2050 and permanent disposal facilities by 2060. The special act on expansion of power grid stipulates the government will take charge of power cable construction projects and devise a long-term plan for the country's power grid supply expansion. The government also plans to support the growth of the offshore wind power industry and create an industrial complex for wind power generation as part of efforts to promote the use of renewable energies.
